Mines Symphony Orchestra & Mines Jazz Ensemble

The event was held at Ford Building Performance Space on November 18th, 2018. There wasn’t an empty chair inside of Ford Building as more than 200 parents, students and guests came for the concert. It was an amazing treat for the audience. The performers (Maggie and...

Scholarship Opportunity

Get your NREP education paid for with a scholarship from the Association of Energy Engineers. Deadline is May 1st, but you must first be nominated by an AEE chapter. For more information, see https://www.aeecenter.org/about-aee/aee-foundation    

Mines launches energy & natural resources policy graduate program

Colorado School of Mines has launched a new master’s degree program that will apply a unique, multidisciplinary social science lens to natural resources and energy issues, preparing students for careers in energy and engineering companies, advocacy and government...