Seth B. Tucker
Teaching Professor & Hennebach Program Director, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Seth Tucker (Seth Brady Tucker) is a full teaching professor and has been with Mines since 2010. Seth’s teaching of Global Futures, upper-division creative writing and literature, and NHV have earned him a number of university teaching awards. Recent publications have investigated the ethical power of narrative, the culture of food miles, gun culture and violence, and veteran therapy through the arts. Seth is also the founder and executive director of the Longleaf Writers’ Conference (where he has created more than $250,000 in fellowships and scholarships for emerging writers and under-represented group writers over the past decade), and he devotes his free time to teaching at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver. Seth has been the Senior Prose Editor for the Tupelo Quarterly Review since 2015.
Seth’s third book, “The Cruelty Virtues” will appear with a top-tier press in 2025. He is an award-winning poet and prose writer, and his first book won the Elixir Press Editor’s Poetry Prize (Mormon Boy), and was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. His second book won the Gival Press Poetry Award (We Deserve the Gods We Ask For) and went on to win the International Eric Hoffer Book Award. His poetry and fiction and essays have appeared in top literary magazines such as: Pleiades, Verse Daily, Iowa Review, December, Driftwood, the Los Angeles Review, Indiana Review, North American Review, and Crab Orchard Review, among many other journals and anthologies.
Seth has worked as a wine sommelier, a ranch hand, and has degrees from San Francisco State University, Northern Arizona University, and from the top-ranked Creative Writing program at Florida State University (PhD English 2012). He was a paratrooper with the US Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and served in the Persian Gulf. Currently, Seth enjoys camping and reading and writing and he raises bees in his backyard.
- HASS 100 Nature and Human Values
- HASS 303 Foundations in Creative Writing Workshop
- HASS 300 Intermediate Poetry Writing Workshop
- HASS 301 Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop
- HASS 400 Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
- HASS 401 Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop
- HASS406 The Literature of War and Remembrance
- HASS 407 Science and Literature
- HASS 408 Creative Writing: Life Stories
- Developing courses: HASS 411 Words Beyond Bars: Literature from the Penitentiary
- Developing courses: HASS 410 Future-Casting: the Literature of Innovation
Stratton Hall 403