Paula Farca

Teaching Professor & Culture, Creativity, and Communication Program Director, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

Paula Farca

Paula Farca received her PhD in English Literature and a second MA in English Literature from Oklahoma State University. Her research and teaching focus on three main areas: 1. Environmental Humanities, 2. Contemporary and Indigenous Literature, and 3. Women’s Fiction and Gender Studies.


Identity in Place: Contemporary Indigenous Fiction by Women Writers in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011.

Make Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film, University of Nevada Press, 2019.

Energy in Literature: Essays on Energy and Its Social and Environmental Implications in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Texts Oxford: TrueHeart Press, 2015.

Nature and Human Values: A Student Guide (second edition). Co-authored with Cortney Holles and Shira Richman. Plymouth: Hayden-McNeil Publishing, 2012.

A Student’s Guide to Nature and Human Values. Co-authored with Cortney Holles and Shira Richman. Plymouth: Hayden-McNeil Publishing, 2010.

Speculations: An Anthology for Reading, Writing, and Research. Co-edited with Matthew Sivils and Constance Squires. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 2006.


“There Will Be Blood: Water Futures in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Water Knife and Claire Vaye Watkins’ Gold Fame Citrus” (in Make Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film.)

“Introduction” and “Concluding Remarks” (in Make Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film.)

“Writing” with Latici Justin, and Jim Studholme. Nature and Human Values: A Student Guide, 3rd Edition. Edited by Sarah Jayne Hitt and Cortney Holles. Plymouth: Hayden-McNeil Publishing, 2016, pages 141-165.

“Introduction.” Energy in Literature: Essays on Energy and Its Social and

Environmental Implications in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Texts. Edited by Paula Farca. Oxford: TrueHeart Press, 2015.

“Humor in Contemporary Aboriginal Adult Fiction.” A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature. Edited by Belinda Wheeler.  Rochester: Camden House, 2013, pages 125-138.

“Creatie si Vindecare in Spatiul Multietnic din Furtuni Solare de Linda Hogan.” Spatiul in Romanul Anglo-Saxon Contemporan: Heterocosmosuri/ Heterotopii (in Romanian). Edited by Pia Brinzeu. Bucuresti: Art, 2011, pages 207-28.


“Lacan Frames Scorsese’s Paintings in The Age of Innocence.” American, British and Canadian Studies Journal, Vol. 23, December 2014, pages 40-59.

“Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood and the Garden of Limited Choices.” Margaret Atwood Studies Vol. 3, No. 2, August 2010, pages 18-21.

“Land as Mediator: Violence and Hope in Alexis Wright’s Plains of Promise.” The Journal of Australian Writers and Writing, Issue 1, May 2010, pages 29-36.

“Generations of Canadian Women Alone Together in Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin.” Notes on Contemporary Literature, May 2010, Vol. 40, No 3 pages 10-12.

“’And, You, Miss, Are No Lady’: Feminist and Postfeminist Scarlett O’Hara Rethinks the Southern Lady.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South, Spring/Summer 2007, Vol. XIV, No. 1, pages 73-90.

“Foucault Informs Kate Chopin’s Short Fiction.” Academic Exchange Quarterly, Spring 2007, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pages 120-24.

“White, Straight Lady Savannah of John Berendt’s Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” Notes on Contemporary Literature, Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2007.

“Whistling the Blues and Washing the Language in Lewis Nordan’s Wolf Whistle.” Notes on Contemporary Literature, Vol. 36, No. 5, November 2006.


“Violence and the Female Body in Southern Fiction.” Consortium: A Journal CrossDisciplinary Inquiry, Boulder, April 2010, pages 49-57.

“Writing from the Margin about the Body of Slavery: Mary Chesnut’s Civil War Diary and Mattie Griffith’s The Autobiography of a Female Slave.” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, January 2009.


A Thirsty Land: The Making of an American Water Crisis. By Seamus McGraw. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018. 269 pp. Notes, sources, index. $27.95 (Great Plains Research in Fall 2022).

Honors and Awards

Winner of the Alfred E. Jenni Fellowship, 2021-2022 for Institution-Wide Contributions to Teaching Effectiveness and Educational Scholarship.

Institution Faculty of the Month, Residence Hall Association. Colorado School of Mines March 2022.

Order of Omega Outstanding Faculty Award, April 2013.


HASS 100 Nature and Human Values
HASS 200 Global Studies
HASS 305 American Literature
HASS 307 Explorations in Comparative Literature
HASS 404 Women’s Literature and Society
HASS 412 Literature and the Environment
HASS 416 Film Studies
HASS 490 Energy and Society
HNRS 450 Energy and Culture
HNRS 450 STEAM and Environmental Justice
HNRS 435 Gender Studies
HASS 601 Academic Publishing

Curriculum Vitae


414 Stratton Hall