Rockwell Clancy
Affiliate Researcher Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Rockwell Clancy’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of moral psychology, technology ethics, and Chinese philosophy, exploring how education and culture affect moral judgments, the causes of unethical behaviors, and what can be done to ensure more ethical behaviors regarding technology. Central to his research are insights from and methodologies associated with the psychological sciences and digital humanities.
Rockwell is a Research Scientist in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, Secretary and Treasurer of the Ethics Division of the American Society of Engineering Education, Affiliate Faculty Member in the Department of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the Colorado School of Mines, and Guest Researcher in the Department of Values, Technology, and Innovation at Delft University of Technology. Before moving to Virginia, he served as a Research Assistant Professor at Mines, Lecturer at Delft, Long-term Educational Consultant at Purdue University, Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, and Research Fellow in the Institute of Social Cognition and Decision-making, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Rockwell was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Strasbourg completed his PhD at Purdue University, MA at the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, and BA at Fordham University. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Colorado School of Mines, Shanghai Municipal government, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Purdue Research Foundation, and Flemish Community government of Belgian.
Rockwell’s work has appeared in various places, including the Journal of International Engineering Education, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Digital Society, European Journal of Engineering Education, Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, International Journal of Ethics Education, and Science and Engineering Ethics. He has published two books, Global Engineering Ethics (Elsevier 2017), co-written with Heinz Luegenbiehl, and Towards a Political Anthropology in the Work of Gilles Deleuze: Psychoanalysis and Anglo-American Literature (Leuven University Press 2015). The forthcoming volume, China, Engineering, and Ethics: A Sketch of the Landscape (Springer) is co-edited with Qin Zhu and Xiaofeng Tang.